Original Paper


Roberto Quintero Mariño, Adriana Schwartz Tapia



legal aspects


Ozonetherapy is on the agenda and figures attest to its growing importance. The ozonetherapy is increasingly practiced in different parts of the world. The existence of more than 30 associations of ozonetherapy and more than 26 000 ozonetherapists confirm it. However, while ozone was discovered in 1785 by Dutch physicist Martinus Van Marum (1750-1837) and had been synthesized in May 1840 by the German chemist Friedrich Schonbein Christian (1799-1868), history has shown that it has been difficult to have a significant presence in the world’s medical agendas. Only Russia, Cuba, Spain and Italy have provisions from the authorities that specify the criteria to be met so that they can practice. These provisions are analyzed in this study, to rule in favor of working for the regularization of ozonetherapy, with reference to the measures taken by these countries. Specific points are proposed and a methodology that should be taken into account when developing a strategy that can lead to the regularization of ozonetherapy in countries where it is still widely practiced

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