Case report



Torres, Odin MD.


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of ozone in the knee joint, as a treatment with and reduction of pain, in a patient with grade III gonarthrosis.

Material and methods: This is a 74-year-old female patient, with a history of obesity, essential arterial hypertension and grade III gonarthrosis, according to the classification of kellgren and Lawrence and placement of left knee prostheses in 2015. Study protocol began in January 2024, being a candidate for ozone infiltration in the right knee, which was carried out in a period of 4 weeks, infiltrating a volume of 10mL with an ozone concentration of 10ug/NmL per session.

Results: When evaluating the intensity of pain, with the analogous pain evaluation scale (EVA), in her first review, the patient referred to a rating of 10 (maximum pain score, disabling), at the end of the 8 infiltrations, and applying the same evaluation scale, a rating of 3 (tolerable pain, non-disabling) was obtained, with the improvement of biomechanics in the knee joint, which translates into an improvement in quality of life.

Discussion: This case report reflects a positive impact with the infiltration of ozone in the knee joint as a treatment for gonarthrosis, to reduce pain and improve the quality of life. It is concluded that the use of medical ozone is a very useful tool, being a low-invasive and low-cost treatment for greater reach of the population..


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