


Adriana Schwartz




With this edition (No. 14, 2024) “Ozone Therapy Global Journal” celebrates 14 years of uninterrupted publication since 2011. With legitimate pride we can say that it is an editorial and scientific event of enormous magnitude within the periodical publications of medical ozone therapy in the world. Today, it is the only bilingual journal (English & Spanish), of its kind, that can boast of this achievement for the benefit of the medical and scientific dissemination of ozone therapy.

Challenges to ensure that the reader is sure that the published articles are scientific.

  1. What two editors of the two most prestigious medical journals in the world said.
  1. What two editors of world-renowned medical journals and researchers and a president of a scientific association published. All three were at the economic service of the pharmaceutical giants and their research and publications sought the benefit of whoever paid them.
  1. What two Nobel Prize winners and an epidemiologist said about the pharmaceutical companies.
  2. Million-dollar contracts for COVID-19 vaccines.

What is the current situation?…


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