Case report



Dra. Gómez García, María Guadalupe, Dr. Herrero García, Carlos, Dra. Schwartz Adriana. M.D.


Introduction: Diabetic foot is defined as a wound that penetrates the skin in any region below the ankle, includes loss of skin continuity, with wound, gangrene, up to necrosis. It is the most frequent complication of diabetes mellitus, which implies high costs in public health, due to its chronic treatment, as well as the costs of surgical resolution, being even more important, the disability generated in the personal, family and social environment.

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of ozone therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot.

Presentation of the clinical case: 32-year-old Mexican housewife with a history of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and venous insufficiency. She went for consultation for presenting lesion in the first orthotic of the right foot of more than 5 months of evolution with indication in public health institution for amputation of the right limb.

Discussion: The success of ozone therapy in this case is the multiple management of administration and dosage, fully exploiting the physicochemical effects and basic mechanisms of ozone in its therapeutics.

Conclusions: The treatment established with ozone therapy, is effective and safe for the patient, avoiding the amputation of the right lower extremity and imminent death secondary to septic shock.

Significantly improving her quality of life.


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